Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cheers To You, Jeanne & Miguel

There is a reason we live in Southern California, if nothing else, the weather! Saturdays wedding weather was nothing less than stellar. Jeanne and Miguel were so much fun to work with and their wedding resembled them in every way~ romantic, sweet, and full of love. They were married at an incredibly charming church in Laguna Beach that seemed like it was built just for them. St Francis By-The-Sea was built in 1933 with rubble salvaged from the Long Beach earthquake. It is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the smallest Catholic church in the world, and only seats 42.
The reception was at the Surf & Sand Resort. Planning weddings with Shannon, the catering manager at Surf and Sand is always a pleasure. What a great person she is, she made sure that everything was perfect for the wedding even though it was HER birthday and she could have been out celebrating.
Jen K did the flowers and everyone talked about them all night. They were over the top beautiful, and Jen K is absolutely wonderful to work with. Yes, It's All About the Cake! Can you say German chocolate with coconut, vanilla with bavarian cream, fresh rasperries, and slices of white chocolate cake? Every piece had all of those, YUM! Invisible Touch DJs provided the lighting and music, and as always, they were on time, prepared, and full of contagious energy. I've been working with them for over 10 years, and they are consistently on top of their game. Fusion Linens once again outdid themselves by delivering and setting up the chiviari chairs and linens before even I stepped foot onto the Surf and Sand property, which was 4 hours prior to guest arrival. Talk about service! I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon with my dream team ~ the amazing Marc & Mike from Ashley Video, and Jen from photojenic who is not only my friend and personal family photographer, but one of the most sincere and dedicated photographers I know. Check out these photos, just a sample of her talent. Working with this dream team truly make my job not really seem like work at all. Enjoy a few more pics...


Danielle Camper said...

Danielle-Fusion Linens,
It is always more than a pleasure working with you and your team! We look forward to assisting you and your wonderful clients with the next beautiful wedding you peice together!

Anonymous said...

Your amazing organization, creative vision and talent makes my job so easy! It truly was a wonderful day for all of us. It's always my pleasure to work with you, Marla

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun working this event with you and Jen I wish I could do it again next week. Hey - I am doing it again next week! Wishes do come true!! XO, Marc

Anonymous said...

Hi Marla

Thank you isn't enough to say for all you have done for us. I never could have had such a wonderful wedding without you. We are getting ready to leave for our secret honeymoon....he won't tell me where we are going!!!

I just saw your blog......Thank you so much for giving us our first peek at the photos.

You have gone over and above anything I would expect.

Thank you again for making our wedding so memorable and perfect.

Mrs. R****