Thursday, December 13, 2007

Update on my assistant Val

Lots of you have been asking how my assistant and good friend Val is doing. I am happy to report that she is on her way to Las Vegas as I type this. She sent this email this morning:

I am finally checking in to say “hello” and to let you know I have not checked out! Since my last email I am now officially bald! It is very quick to get ready now, and I have a new appreciation for men with little or no hair. It’s cold! My wish for Christmas is that I would have a nice tan on my head, however, that may not happen until spring……..oh well. I’m jealous of Howie Mandell.

I have completed 2 chemo sessions, next week I will be on #3 of the 4 “every three week” sessions. After the fourth session, I will get 1 month off and no chemo. Then I will go into the “once a week” sessions for a total of 12 weeks with a different concoction. It has gone by pretty fast. I now know what days I will be feeling sort of tired and “hung over” and that has helped to prepare me for the days ahead.

I have some wonderful girlfriends who have been so sweet to bring my family dinner on my yucky days. This has been a blessing and the kids have had much fun anticipating the “mystery dinner” arrival on those nights. It has been great to see my dear friends as well.

Last month, we had a great Thanksgiving Day at my sister’s house. The following day I shaved my head, Brittany style. I used Cams razor, and had time to only do half, and then I put a hat on, ran the kids somewhere and finished at night. It was a family event, pretty funny. The kids thought I looked the same with no hair, compared to my short “Lindsey buzz.” I was glad to hear that as the shock of baldness did not really affect them, or me! It wasn’t that bad. Just WHITE! Good news, my head is round and I’m not a cone head. I am sending a picture as proof.

I went and bought a wig about a month ago and just had it trimmed up this Monday. My sister Diney and I went to the mall to do some things. I decided to wear the wig instead of the hat I wore in. A, It must look real though, because some vendor in the mall wanted to try his curling iron on it. Diney and I laughed as he would have burned a big chunk out of my synthetic hair.

I did consider pulling the wig off when the pushy vendor guy wanted me to try some lotion for my “dry hands and feet.” I was going to pull the wig off and ask him what he could do for my head……ha………

I am so thankful that I feel good; my blood cell counts were in the normal range today, and that I will be able to go on my trip to Vegas. I was not sure 3 months ago if I would be able to go. God is good. We return on Monday, and then on Wednesday I will have my 3rd chemo treatment.

Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive to me these past few months. You have helped me to make this experience not so bad! I hope that for anyone who may be diagnosed with breast cancer, you will know that the word seems worse than the condition. Chemo looks worse (no hair) than it really is. If your spirits stay up, and you go with the flow, it’s not so bad. God has blessed me with good health (other than the cancer), good friends, the best family, and lots of laughter.

Our blessings are sent to all of you and your sweet families.

With much love,


PS: Bald is beautiful!

Val, there will always be a position for you at Cheers To You. Bald or not, come back to us soon. We miss you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting my sister on your site. You know, when I look at my sister the only thing I see is...
a loving, caring, funny, witty and beautiful person. I love her with or without hair. There are so many persons in the world that look great on the outside, but are so ugly and miserable inside. I look up to her so much and I thank GOD every day that she is my sister. Cindy