Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So Long, Farewell, ....

Last night was the year end ABC-OC meeting. We had 235 attendees and what a night it was. The food and service at the Hyatt Irvine were perfect, the ab-so-fab Bernie, from aptly named Ab So Fab did a top notch job of decorating, and Vanity Fair kept us dancing until the very end of the night. I was in charge of the Spark of Love Toy Drive what a success that was! Thanks to our members, we collected a truck load of gifts, literally, a truck load. Cheers to the Santa Ana Fire Dept who came and loaded up their fire truck. They will take the gifts to the warehouse where the will be donated to under-served children throughout Orange County. It was a bittersweet night for me as it was my final meeting as the Orange County Membership Director for ABC. It was time for me to say goodbye to the committee, and of course I will still see them, but it won't be the same. For me, last night wasn't just an end of the year party, it was the end of an era event.

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